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Getting Started

NOTE: This walkthrough is no longer supported in Unreal Engine.

1. Start by creating a new Third Person Blueprint project in Unreal 4

2. Import the Mech assets from the Unreal Marketplace into your project using the Launcher.


If successful, there should be a Mech folder containing a Mech Assets folder and a Mech Materials folder.

3. Open the Character Blueprint that's being used in your template example map.

4. From the Components list, select "Mesh(Inherited)." Change the Mesh from SK_Mannequin to Mech_RiggedMesh, and then change the Anim Class to Mech_AnimBlueprint.

Go to the Viewport tab, and the mech will probably be tiny and down in the ground a bit. You can use the Move (W) and Scale (R) tools to resize and position it to fit the capsule better.

I found that a position of (0,0,23.9) and a scale of (2,2,2) was a pretty good starting point.

Compile and Save the blueprint!

5. Press the Play button and you should be playing as your new mech!

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